通力 Turnstile 1000 是為公眾、商業建築物和機場設計的高效型時尚半身感應式閘門解決方案。配以耐用、高品質的物料,結合智能卡讀卡器和智能選層,時尚的燈光效果和視覺引導的選擇。除了智能保安通道,我們還提供玻璃和不銹鋼擺閘門,以及易於安裝的導向圍欄,以便加進智能通道進出管理系統中。
The new KONE Turnstile 1000 features a versatile design, and is a dynamic turnstile gate with a broad range of functionalities and use cases. It includes modern access readers to ensure smooth, secure, and safe movement of people.
Complementing KONE turnstiles, swing gates are perfect for goods transportation and improved accessibility, while guiding barriers help improve safety and access control.