In modern buildings, turnstiles and access readers are an integral part of the people flow process. We offer three different security turnstiles to suit a wide variety of building needs and interior design styles.
The KONE Turnstile 1000 is a stylish half-height sensor barriers designed for public and commercial buildings and airports that need efficient turnstiles. It features durable, high-quality materials, full access reader and destination control integration, stylish lighting options, and visual guidance alternatives. To complement our security turnstiles, glass and stainless steel swing gates as well as easy-to-install guidance barriers can be added to a turnstile access control system.
The new KONE Turnstile 1000 features a versatile design, and is a dynamic turnstile gate with a broad range of functionalities and use cases. It includes modern access readers to ensure smooth, secure, and safe movement of people.
Complementing KONE turnstiles, swing gates are perfect for goods transportation and improved accessibility, while guiding barriers help improve safety and access control.