- All full-time students from local tertiary education institutions are welcome to join. They may submit entries individually or in teams (not more than 4 people).
- Family members of judging panel will not be eligible to join this competition.
Advancing Greener Tomorrow Competition
KONE Elevator (HK) Limited is now organizing “Advancing Greener Tomorrow “competition for post-secondary & tertiary students. The competition invites student to contribute ideas on how to convert existing building into a greener structure come in form of efficient use of energy or consideration of environment sustainability in design. With the aim of preventing waste through reduction, recycling and reuse and achieving sustainability of environment.
Details of the competition
Under the key theme of Advancing Greener Tomorrow, we are looking for insights and solutions that reduce carbon emission for an existing building. Below are some of the building types that participants may consider:
Submission requirement
Besides the application form, participants should submit the below files:

1. A written proposal
- Indicate the building type that you choose.
- Introduction of the solution (includes the aim and objective of the solution design, the characteristics of the solution).
- Participants are open to supplement the proposals with other presentation means where appropriate, for example PowerPoint, Infographics. You must cite the sources when you incorporate any information that is not your own.
- The proposal can be written either in Chinese or English and within 3000 words (include punctuation). Images, graphics, citations, reference list and appendix are excluded from word count.

2. A multimedia work
The content should include:
- Characteristics of the solution.
- Demonstration of the solution/ How the solution works in reality.
- The effectiveness of the solution.
- Maximum length for the video is 5 minutes, and the file size should not exceed 2 GB.
- In *mp4 format, resolution requirement for the video is 1920x1080.
Advancing Greener Tomorrow Competition

Submission of Entries
Participants should upload all items of their entries to a folder on a cloud storage (e.g., Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc.) and provide a shareable link in the application form as instructed. Entries must be submitted on or before Hong Kong Time 23:59, 5 August 2022. The submission time will be based on server’s record. Late submission will not be accepted.
** You will receive an acknowledgement by email once the files have been successfully downloaded.
Awards categories
There are two types of awards as an outcome of the competition. 1) Champion and Merit: The judging panel, comprised of members of KONE Elevator (HK) Limited senior management. 2) Most Popular Green Solution Award: This is a public voting section. Shortlisted entries will be uploaded to KONE Elevator (HK) YouTube channel and open for voting.
Awards category for judging panel
Assessment Criteria
Area | Weighting |
Adoption/ Integration of eco-friendly & energy efficiency elements | 30% |
Sustainability | 30% |
Practicality & Innovation | 20% |
Presentation Skills | 20% |
Awards & prizes
Champion | $15,000 |
Merit | $5,000 |
Award category for public voting
Qualified entries will be uploaded to KONE Elevator (HK) YouTube channel and open for voting from 19th September 2022 3:00 p.m. to 26th September 2022 3:00 p.m. Audience has to subscribe KONE Elevator (HK) YouTube channel before voting, otherwise their "like" will not be counted. Entries with the most “like” will be awarded as “Most Popular Green Solution Award”.
Most Popular Green Solution Award | 1 place | $8,000 |
Advancing Greener Tomorrow Competition
** All awards are subject to change depending on the number of participants & performance. In case of any disputes, KONE Elevator (HK) Limited reserves the rights of final decision.
Terms & conditions
- Participant must be a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate student enrolled at any local tertiary institution. He / she should ensure all the information provided are accurate and correct. The organizer reserves the right to check the validity of the information submitted by participants and ask for copies of ID documents issued by the schools for verification.
- All submissions must be original and free from infringement of any rights of other parties. If you plan to include any material owned by a third party, you must acquire consent from the copyright owner and list all the sources. If participants found to have committed acts of plagiarism, their work will be disqualified.
- Participants must guarantee that their entries submitted have neither been openly shown, publicized, or broadcasted in any other media platforms, nor have been involved in any commercial activities or submitted for other competitions.
- Entries should not contain any obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, insulting elements or any controversial and inappropriate content. Participants shall bear full legal and related responsibilities in respect of their entries, and shall indemnify KONE Elevator (HK) Limited from and against any claims and liabilities arising out or relating to the competition.
- Participants should be responsible for the security and virus issues when submitting entries. If virus is detected at the submitted file, the entry will be disqualified.
- Only one entry per person or team will be counted. Once the entry is submitted, it cannot be modified, replaced, and will not be returned to participants.
- The copyrights of the entries (of all forms) belong to the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to amend the submitted entries in full or in part, and to publicize, exhibit, copy, re-disseminate, or make use of them in other purposes in any form without the consent of the participants or the payment of fees of any kind.
- Each entrant confirms that he / she consents to the organizer’s use of the personal data for the purposes of this competition and for the scheme (if applicable). Personal data collected for the purposes of this competition will be properly stored by the organizer and will be destroyed 120 days after the campaign ends.
- The results of the competition are subject to the final decision of the adjudication panel. Any objection from the participants will not be considered. The decision of KONE Elevator (HK) Limited will be final and binding on all matters relating to the competition, including the right to suspend, change or terminate the competition and any of its terms and conditions without prior notice.
- By joining the competition, participants will be deemed to be bound by all Terms and Conditions. KONE Elevator (HK) Limited reserves the right to exclude any entry from the competition at any time if it has a reason to believe that the participant has breached the rules.